Hello You!
Enjoying your summer so far?
I was (finally) painting more often last month and wanted to share something I learned during these past few months. It was a really slow April, May and June. I was filing my quarterly sales tax and it was so low I had to double check everything but it was correct and aside from ArtWalk Little Italy at the end of April, I’ve only sold a few small pieces in all that time AND that’s OK! I like who I am and I like who I’m becoming/returning to, so It's OK if it’s slow on the sales side. My creative process has expanded to let summer's energy evolve and work through me which is a great feeling.
Arts District Liberty Station, San Diego, CA
Once again, I'll be at booth 501 for this "in the park" fine art show. This has been one of my favorite shows since my first show back in 2015!
I've created a beautiful collection of abstracts with a variety of subjects in an abstracted style. I think you'll really like them. I added a few of them below. Message me if you're interested as I won't be adding them to my website until after the show.
August 2, 3 & 4
Ticketed preview pARTy; 4-7:30pm Friday, August 2nd
Free to the public: 10-6 Saturday, August 3rd & 10-5 Sunday, August 4th
I have a deadline for my licensing company in mid-August so I'm creating some new pieces for them and then in late September I'm gonna be treating myself to a painting workshop retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I’m really excited to be going on this little adventure. I'll be sharing my fun and works in process on Instagram and I'll send you another newsy note in October.
Until then, enjoy the summer energy in your life!
In gratitude,